Igor, a powerful Russian oligarch, finds himself embroiled in a heated argument with his estranged daughter, Eva, during a tense journey aboard his private jet. The confrontation reaches a boiling point, leading Igor to order an immediate landing. However, as the plane touches down, Eva mysteriously disappears into the dense Goan jungle.
Thus begins Igor's desperate search for his only daughter, plunging him into a relentless quest that will bring him face-to-face with a diverse array of characters, each navigating their own personal paths in life. Amidst the intertwining destinies and a myriad of individuals, there is a shared connection—a deep-rooted love for their Motherland, which can be both cherished and challenging when it is in close proximity.
"Motherland" intricately weaves together a suspenseful narrative, immersing viewers in a complex tapestry of intersecting lives, personal struggles, and the unyielding human desire for meaning and connection.