Prepare to be enchanted by an enthralling animated tale, as the once mesmerizing Queen of Shamakhi sets out on a quest to reclaim her lost allure. In search of the fabled Temple of Eternal Youth, she yearns to regain the magical charms she once possessed. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn as she discovers that the key to rejuvenation lies in collecting the tears of a thousand beautiful women to water the Tree of Youth.
Guided by her trusted advisor, Raven, the Queen devises a seemingly simple plan to obtain the precious tears. All she needs to do is use her bewitching gaze, capable of captivating any man's heart, on the Prince. However, the path to success proves to be far more challenging than anticipated. The Queen and her courageous companions encounter three Heroes who must summon their wit, bravery, and resourcefulness to overcome the trials that lie ahead.